Category: WORLD

Review – Navigating Uncertainty

Joseph Liow details the global power dynamics shaping Southeast Asia, but adopts an oversimplified framework to analyse the...

Review – The Problem of Twelve

A credible narrative of the concentration of 12 financial players supported by anecdotal evidence, which would benefit from...

Interview – Stéphanie Martel

Stéphanie Martel explores the role of multilateral institutions, ASEAN's aspirations to create a 'security community', and ...

Opinion – Nigeria’s Readiness to Fight Corruption ...

Nigeria's anti-graft institutions must be stronger and autonomous in order to effectively prosecute corruption and help all...

Opinion – The Duality of Maia Sandu

The true test of Sandu’s leadership lies not in her alignment of Moldova with Western values, but in her adherence to those...

More than a Seat in the General Assembly: The Reco...

Particularly in the case of de facto states, non-formal recognition practices can play a major role in constructing soverei...

Opinion – Queer Experiences of Atrocity Crimes and...

There is a clear link between LGBTI+ issues, particularly homophobia, and the prevention of – or resistance to – mass atroc...

World Sport Events and International Order

If world sport events can be peaceful, joyous, and entertain people, there is also hope for the world in which they perform...

Arab Contributions to Islamic International Relati...

Without a commitment to producing original knowledge, there is little hope of changing the status quo.

The Rising Girl Love Factor in Thailand’s Soft Pow...

Thailand's strategic efforts to enhance its brand through LGBTQ+ rights serves as both entertainment and a reflection of th...

Thinking Global Podcast – The Laid-Back Book Club ...

This week, Jennifer Engl, Romanos Orpheas Tofis, and Kosta Kambouris, chat with Kieran about what they've been reading in t...

An Embodiment, a Bridge and a Tribute: Conceptuali...

Border art re-conceptualises the US-Mexico border by engendering an aesthetic experience fractured from the hierarchical an...

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