These dating apps are best for bisexual people looking for love

Bisexual people face unique (and frustrating) challenges when dating, but bi-friendly apps like Hinge and Archer create safe spaces.

These dating apps are best for bisexual people looking for love
two people looking at dating app screen

The bisexual community has an inside joke describing what it's like to date as a bi person: People think it means double the options and double the fun, but it really just means double the rejection (sad trombone sound effect).

You have to be able to laugh at self-deprecating jokes like this if you're a member of the Lonely Hearts Club, regardless of whether you're diving into the straight or gay dating scene. But bisexual people do face extra roadblocks in the dating world.

Online dating absolutely sucks for everyone, but the fact that there's only a single bisexual dating site that caters specifically to this community (and even then, we're kind of iffy about it) means many folks are frequently swiping on people who don't take bisexuality seriously. In 2024, that shouldn't be the reality. There's [an] issue of bi people feeling invisible when they're deemed too "straight passing," which can often happen in queer spaces. This kind of invalidation contributes to many bisexual folks' struggles of not feeling queer enough.

The "B" in LGBTQ+ makes up 50 percent of the queer community, according to data from the Human Rights Campaign, but it's also one of the least-acknowledged letters in the acronym. What makes the bisexual dating landscape — especially the online one — so tricky to maneuver?

Before we get into the best dating apps for bisexuals, let's tackle this question for a sec.

Bisexuality is hyper-sexualized on heteronormative apps

Something bisexual women are all too familiar with when navigating online dating is the concept — one as old as time — of men being straight-up creeps. It's like heterosexual men can't seem to grasp that bisexuality is not a green light to ask a woman how many girls she's been with or if she likes men or women better. Such comments, especially from absolute strangers online, are disconcerting at best and threatening at worst.

Megan, a 23-year-old woman from Virginia, told us via Facebook that she couldn't even count the number of gross (slash ignorant) messages she'd received from men in reference to writing "bi" in her Tinder bio. "There were times when they would be like, 'Oh, you never seemed gay in high school' or whatever, because gay is obviously a personality trait

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