The U.S. Department of Deterrence

Madeleine Albright once asked Colin Powell, “What’s the point of having this superb military you’re always talking about if we can’t use it?” Nobody ever asked that question about nuclear weapons. Not using them is the whole point. Deterrence thinking, far from being in decline, is now more fashionable than ever. Deterring China in particular calls for all hands on deck. The notion of “integrated deterrence” is thus a key pilar of the current U.S. National Security Strategy. While buzzwords may change, the basic idea is sure to feature in future strategies as well. Integrating all forces, in all domains, The post The U.S. Department of Deterrence appeared first on War on the Rocks.

The U.S. Department of Deterrence

Madeleine Albright once asked Colin Powell, “What’s the point of having this superb military you’re always talking about if we can’t use it?” Nobody ever asked that question about nuclear weapons. Not using them is the whole point. Deterrence thinking, far from being in decline, is now more fashionable than ever. Deterring China in particular calls for all hands on deck. The notion of “integrated deterrence” is thus a key pilar of the current U.S. National Security Strategy. While buzzwords may change, the basic idea is sure to feature in future strategies as well. Integrating all forces, in all domains,

The post The U.S. Department of Deterrence appeared first on War on the Rocks.

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