Joe Biden a Serious Threat to Global Security

 By: Stewart Brennan By now it should be obvious that Joe Biden’s Alzheimer's is getting worse as he’s showing more and more signs of irrational behavior, memory loss, impairment, and confusion while losing his bearings in both conversation and decision making.What many may not know is that Alzheimer's patients are also prone to fits of anger with a total lack of not being able to reason things out, and that's a real problem if it affects a person in a position of power, let alone the leader of a nuclear power in decline. Anger is a normal trait in Joe Biden's character as history has proven; he's been a loose cannon for decades. However, with Alzheimer's, his anger and irrational behavior have become a major threat to global security as the job requires someone with all their faculties. Biden’s current inability for rational thought or critical thinking in day-to-day decisions has shown itself in public many times but his obsession for defeating Russia expressed through his fiery delu

Joe Biden a Serious Threat to Global Security


By: Stewart Brennan

By now it should be obvious that Joe Biden’s Alzheimer's is getting worse as he’s showing more and more signs of irrational behavior, memory loss, impairment, and confusion while losing his bearings in both conversation and decision making.

What many may not know is that Alzheimer's patients are also prone to fits of anger with a total lack of not being able to reason things out, and that's a real problem if it affects a person in a position of power, let alone the leader of a nuclear power in decline.

Anger is a normal trait in Joe Biden's character as history has proven; he's been a loose cannon for decades. However, with Alzheimer's, his anger and irrational behavior have become a major threat to global security as the job requires someone with all their faculties.

Biden’s current inability for rational thought or critical thinking in day-to-day decisions has shown itself in public many times but his obsession for defeating Russia expressed through his fiery delusional speeches and his military determination of backing Ukraine to the last Ukrainian has become dangerously irrational which was proven by his decision to destroy the Nord Stream I & II gas pipelines [See Here and Here].

Biden is obsessed with winning a losing battle in Ukraine that has cost Europe their economic future by his insistence [03] that they obey U.S. Government dictates on energy and economic sanctions on Russia while pushing NATO nations to provide military hardware to Ukraine where the US proxy war on Russia is taking place.

NATO nations have not only shown that they are militarily weak but they are also in rapid economic decline for having obeyed American foreign policies. Economies cannot run without a cheap supply of energy. In Joe Biden’s mind, the unity of NATO under US foreign policy dictatorship, strengthens the group, but as we’ve seen recently, with the individual European NATO nations unable to provide adequate military equipment for this suicidal cause, NATO nations have exposed just how weak they are.

No doubt the next step in US economic and foreign policy will be to force NATO nations to buy lots of American weapons…I’m sure Joe Biden will “insist” on it.

Joe Biden and the American government continue to pour tens of billions of dollars into the failed state that is Ukraine (Over 113 billion to date) while believing Ukraine will win a war against Russia...thousands of Ukraine soldiers have died for Joe Biden’s cause and continue to die needlessly.

Europe is at the cusp of a slow painful economic collapse due to the sanctions that Joe Biden “Insisted” that European nations levy on Russia (Insisting means being threatened with retaliation if they do not obey.) Of course, Europe complied like the weakling puppets they are and are now on the road to economic collapse or perhaps war with Russia…

If the recent publicized balloon shoot downs over North America have done anything (Besides distraction), they show an immense disconnect, paranoia and poor handling on the part of Joe Biden.

How much longer will Joe Biden remain in power?

A real medical exam, unlike the one he received [04] on Feb 16th, 2023, would remove this dangerous Alzheimer’s patient from power in a flash. However, the level of US government insanity that has plagued the world for the past 33 years (1990) doesn't look like its about to cave in just yet. Then again, could the US deep state be ready to look in the mirror and save what they have left, or will they blow it all in a losing crap shoot with a presidential warmonger who's prone to fits of rage and can't remember where he is?

Biden is a deep state pawn that won the 2020 US election by a well-organized mail-in fraud, so there's support for him behind the scenes. One would think there would be growing voices opposed to his remaining in office as he's become extremely dangerous to America and to the US deep state economic positions...and of course, he's a danger to the world in general. (Too late for Europe now I think, barring some economic or energy miracle.)

If the power structure and its controllers in the U.S. were moral characters and embraced a system built with honesty, then Biden and many of the other sociopaths the C.F.R. (Council on Foreign Relations) [05] controls would never have been selected as US politician or Presidents for that matter, and ultimately, the world would be in a much better state than it is right now. In fact, there never would have been a C.F.R. if the US governing system was honest and moral.

Of course, Joe Biden isn’t alone in his sociopathy as Vicky (the hut) Nuland (Joe’s personal sociopath) has led the destruction of Ukraine from its violent beginning [06] in 2013 to 2016 under Joe Biden as US vice president and from 2021 to today under Joe Biden as the US president.

Nuland not only outed herself in full knowledge of US biological labs in Ukraine [07] but also celebrated the destruction of the Nord Stream I & II pipelines [08] in 2022 and today in 2023 is telling her Ukraine regime contacts that Russian military sites in Crimea are “legitimate targets”[09], a serious red line that invites a major war between global nuclear powers.

Victoria Nuland works for Biden so it won’t be enough for Biden to be the only one removed from power but the whole destructive cell driving war and economic destruction via their proxy war with Russia via Ukraine. They all need to go, and it needs to be done quickly before another irrational decision causes a major incident that takes us all to World War III. Impeachment or a medical decision must be made soon before its too late.

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