Gaza and Palestine Strike Back

By: Stewart Brennan On Saturday October 7th, 2023, after 75 years of brutal and violent oppression, the Palestinian group of Hamas launched an attack on Israel from the imprisoned Gaza strip. The Palestinian group launched thousands of small rockets at Israel and deployed its army to infiltrate illegal Israeli settlements near the border with Gaza on Saturday morning. A number of people were killed with many wounded in the surprise attacks. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that his country was “at war” and promised a retaliation that they “have never known before.” The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) responded by sending dozens of warplanes to carpet bomb the Gaza strip. In reality, the Palestinian military operation on Saturday October 7th, is actually a natural result due to decades of “systemic oppression” and genocide by the Zionist occupation regime. Let’s be clear here, Palestine does not have the means to defend itself nor have they been given the suitable arms by

Gaza and Palestine Strike Back

By: Stewart Brennan

On Saturday October 7th, 2023, after 75 years of brutal and violent oppression, the Palestinian group of Hamas launched an attack on Israel from the imprisoned Gaza strip.

The Palestinian group launched thousands of small rockets at Israel and deployed its army to infiltrate illegal Israeli settlements near the border with Gaza on Saturday morning. A number of people were killed with many wounded in the surprise attacks.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that his country was “at war” and promised a retaliation that they “have never known before.” The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) responded by sending dozens of warplanes to carpet bomb the Gaza strip.

In reality, the Palestinian military operation on Saturday October 7th, is actually a natural result due to decades of “systemic oppression” and genocide by the Zionist occupation regime.

Let’s be clear here, Palestine does not have the means to defend itself nor have they been given the suitable arms by anyone to confront the Israeli IDF who’s tanks and aircraft and superior military equipment are provided by the western powers. Gaza does not have tanks or aircraft to defend itself, only a determined desperation to survive.

The military force in Israel has been used by successive Zionist regimes for the past 75 years to conduct a criminal systematic genocide of the Palestinian people. But the result of this latest escalation by Hamas will now allow the Israeli’s not only to carpet bomb the Gaza strip, but kill tens of thousands of innocent people…a result that the Israeli regimes of the past have openly called for with an absent western press.

In reality, no country would ever declare war on another country unless it knew it had a superior advantage…Hamas and the Palestinian people do not have a superior military and so the question becomes why did they attack Israel today Saturday October 7th, 2023?

Is it because of the 75th anniversary of the state of Israel that was violently carved out of Palestine? Or is it a peak in the anger and frustration due to the 75 years of barbaric occupation and treatment of the indigenous people of Palestine?

With Israel in political turmoil for the past two years and with a never ending stream of war criminals in charge of the state, Israel’s regime actually welcome’s war for several reasons.

1. it unifies its politically divided people to focus on the violent attack against them.

2. it allows Israel to pull out all the stops and declare war on Palestine and anyone that helps them. 

3. it fulfills Israel's plan of genocide in Palestine.

4. it brings the World’s attention to them as the victim giving them carte blanche in reprisals.

5. it escalates the war and occupation of more land in the surrounding countries of Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan 
by Zionist claims that Israel is under threat by all those around them.

Just to be clear, I do not support violence by anyone nor do I support violent regimes…but as an Irish descendant, I do understand that occupation creates massive suffering and horrors that drives people of the occupied state to retaliate. And so, everyone must understand that the occupation of Palestine must end before peace will ever be achieved.

Israel has never intended to end their violent occupation of Palestine. Most people in Europe and North America have no clue as to what is really going on in the Middle East because the mainstream news that they watch in their countries, refuse to report what is actually going on over there. The mainstream news is culpable for crimes against humanity and that extends to the willful participants in the western governments as well, who only support the Israeli regime to defend itself. They do not support the right to the Palestinian people to defend themselves against the Zionist regimes crimes, in fact, they completely ignore the atrocities inflicted on the Palestinian people by successive Israeli regimes. In other words, they don’t supply the Palestinian people with tanks and aircraft to protect themselves nor do they train their soldiers, fund the state or place sanctions on the Israeli aggressor.

North American and European governments claim they support human rights for all but only for those that they support. It mirrors their willful ignorance when they support the violent Nazi elements in Ukraine over the Russian speaking people of Ukraine. In Ukraine, the western nations arm and train the violent regime that they backed in a violent coup and their genocide of the Russian speaking Ukrainians that they also put economic sanctions on.

So western support for human rights is really a false claim which is proven when they support violence committed by aggressive nations and regimes on defenseless people.

In my view, any western politician that supports violence and genocide by any regime in a conflict are despicable low life cowards that will do or say anything to aggrandize themselves to the wealth and power of economically powerful lobby groups. They are the scum of the earth and should not hold positions of power in any of our nations.

Unfortunately, the violent conflict in Palestine and Israel will not end as long as this type of mentality continues to plague our western parliaments and governing houses. Only an informed population can bring an end to this sick mentality but unfortunately, the western nations don’t have truthful or honest reporting in its mainstream media. While they have also applied censorship to all the voices reporting the facts on the ground. Therefore, all the news going forward will be bad and you can be sure that the mainstream media and our governments will do their best to stoke the anger of their audience using severely edited narratives that paints the occupation regime as a victim.

Here are a few links and videos for people who would like to know a little history of the region. But hurry, it won’t be long before these videos are censored as well.

Palestine: Timeline by John Rees

2009 - Gaza in Plain Language

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